Attie: Well since our last blog entry the weather has been foul. not so much the cold, which we are prepared for, but it has rained regularly and been overcast. The wind has blown constantly from all directions and conditions have not been pleasant nor favourable for us to do any work topsides.
Greased steel ballast ingots |
Bright new underflooring...out of the bilges, thank goodness! |
However there is recognizable change and we certainly hope to see many more of these visible changes in the weeks ahead. Unfortunately much of what we have been doing on the boat recently is out of sight in normal use or does not give one the sense of progress. I have been labouring in the bilges, chipping away at any rust with a prayer that this doesn´t rupture the hull and leaving me emulating the legendary Dutch boy hero who saved the day by plugging a hole in the dyke with his thumb to prevent a breach and ensuing disaster!!! Well, the bilges in the new fore section have been greased, and greased steel ballast ingots placed on rubber mats in the bilges and spot welded in place to prevent them from sliding around and dangerously unbalancing the ship in rough seas nogal!. Heaven forbid that we find ourselves in such conditions, but better safe than sorry. So, having now neatly placed what was previously an unsightly obstacle as ballast into the bilges and disposing of all the old patchy wooden floors in the fore section I was able to measure the area and plan the cutting of new under flooring. This has to be very carefully undertaken to ensure not only a neat fit, but also to ensure they are level and their ends rest firmly on the beams, all this bearing in mind the most efficient cutting plan to waste as little of the expensive boarding and to ensure they can be slid through an opening that can take a maximum of 1100mm x 85mm. The end result was a success and the fit so perfect that a mallet was required to manoeuvre the planks into place. This single milestone has moved us out of the bilges into ``clean work`` and led to a sense of achievement and satisfaction.
Cutting and installing Piepschuim |
Rudi: I don't know if any of you ever worked with "piepschuim" i.e. styrofoam! The whole hull of the boat is insulated with this lightweight foamboard. You have to cut it in precise blocks, strips or whatever. This you do with a bread knife and there are zillions of little styrofoam balls floating through the air whilst you are cutting. Those little balls go into your ears, nose, eyes and cling to your hair and your clothes, even your shoes. The ones going into your ears make little funny squeaky rubbing noises inside and those in your nose make you sneeze. Those that stick to your specs are little "peskies", because you are 50% blinded.
Then of course the hull has steel ribs and huge rivets everywhere (Attie: riveting, we are told, is a sign of a boat built when men still built boats!). The styrofoam then has to be cut precisely to accommodate each rivet otherwise condensation will occur where the steel is not covered. To be able to get to this perfection (!!) you have to twist and turn the knife to break the little pesky balls out of their little tough beds and then......................................the knife slips and cuts a gash in your hand. 3 Days ago I got a cut just above the right thumb nail and you know how sore that specific place can be and lo and behold yesterday I pushed the tip of the bread knife into the side of my left hand with great force from my right hand whilst cutting the styrofoam! Deep but small wound that was just bad enough to cause a restless night.
As I mentioned, "piepschuim" clings to everything! Including the rest of the boat! I just went to the laundry to fetch the clothes from the dryer and the lint drawer was full of piepschuim coming from the pockets and socks (which were on my feet inside my boots!) When I shake the duvet out in the mornings you see piepschuim flying and when I sweep the floor in the kitchen, take a guess. But....hurray the Styrofoam covered walls are now covered in a layer of plastic, so little white balls cannot ever again go anywhere! My life has now improved even more! The engine room is still waiting, but this does give me a little respite!
Attie is going like a Boeing in the front working on building us a bedroom! It will be a very fine day when we can move the bed out of the lounge/salon. I have forgotten what it's like to have a bedroom with a door and cupboards and comfortable mattress on the bed and ironed bed linen, wow! I think once we have a bedroom we will be very ready to put in the bathroom! This ablution every morning in the club house is the only thing that truly gets to me. Listen people, it's cold out there! It rains, the wind blows, it is frosty and even snow and just cold. This "lady" is not used to that, en suite is and always has been the name of my game!
My very nice neighbour and new friend Susan (who is Dutch) is helping me with my Dutch. So once a week we get together for an afternoon and learn Dutch, but I think she is learning more Afrikaans than the other way around, but it's great fun and a lot of laughs. A girl needs something else to do around here, not only to be Attie's assistant/apprentice/cleaner/cook! I have given up on the quilt making for now, seeing that there is just no space. Everything that used to be in storage in the front is now packed on top of each other in the salon and our "bedroom", so nowhere for me to create anything except cleaning something that belongs on the boat. Last week was the cleaning of the very old and rusted water pump and expansion tank. The pictures will be self explanatory!
Three ducks, two males and a younger one decided to come knocking on our door 5 or 6 times a day for some attention and I do think they are very cute and definitely characters! But being a land lubber I didn't realise what a mess ducks can make of pontoons. It took only about 3 days (and Attie getting more and more agitated) before I decided that sorry, even as cute as you are, you will have to go mates. Amazing how quickly they got the message! So there is peace in the home again and the grocery bill is also a bit smaller again! It is a well known fact that I am the all time feeder, but even I draw the line at cleaning pontoons every night after duckies went off to bed!!
Donald |
Donald, Daffy and Quacky |
.... and their mates |
Koop een boot en werk je dood... this time the fridge |
Our nearest supermarket is called Vomar and because I am there every single day I am greeted by all and sundry working there which gives me a feeling of belonging. The fact that most can speak English and my Dutch is improving daily, makes it feel more like home. The super market has new “akties”, i.e. special offers daily and I enjoy the challenge of finding bargains every time I go. The bargains decide the course for dinner for that evening, so dinner is never a dull event but different each evening. Today’s meat aktie and also veggie aktie is tiny chicken drum sticks, half price and neatly packaged, peas, potatoes fried with red pepper and courgettes (all on special). Don’t worry, I won’t spare the garlic! I want to add, that because of the daily specials I also invent different mixes of food, especially veggies, that I have never considered before. The daily shopping outing is not only for the specials and the fast walk for exercise, it is also because we now have a second fridge! Remember the first one? Well this one is gas, also inherited and also doesn’t work! C’est la vie once again! One day when I am big I will have a brand new, bigger and in working order fridge in my kitchen.In the previous blog I mentioned that Alan, Sharon and Towser left for Scotland. They unfortunately had huge water damage in their guest house and we were very concerned, but it seems that they sorted their problems. We felt rather lonely after they left, but since then Martin as well as Paul and Lisa returned from England and it feels good to have company again. Bert and Aukje moved their boats to Amsterdam and that is also sad for us. Now we are just waiting for David and Penny to return from England and all will be fine again. They all have different types of boats.
Alan and Sharon's Luxemotor |
Paul and Lisa's Tjalk Meander |
David and Penny's Marscotti |
This summer will find us in France with an extra bedroom so our friends and family from S.A. and all over will be able to visit least this is the plan.
We are so busy in this home of ours that one only thinks about what has to be done today or tomorrow and time for thinking about other things is limited, but these last few days I have been missing my children, my friends and my doggies. I guess one will have days like that, especially when the weather is so miserable!
I will leave the saga of the new door to Attie to tell you all about it and also about the changes he has made during the last two weeks.
Attie: Well, the little informal logbook I am keeping says: 23 Feb - 4.125 l/cm...this is the red diesel tank consumption. Red diesel you may ask, my friends, what is that? Well red diesel is the fuel one uses for household purposes such as heating, as to be distinguished from regular propulsion diesel. The difference is a red dye which signifies the former, which is taxed at a lower rate and may not be used to run the engine! Another little bit of logbook info relating to 23 Feb is that we purchased 198 litres for 193 Euros and that consequently we use between 6 and 8 litres a day to heat the boat (at R9,60 tot the Euro that is about is so damn cold outside that this can be considered a bargain, better even than the specials on wine at Vomar( ....well maybe?).
Further trivia that might be of doubtful interest is that given that the external dimensions of our steel diesel tank are 55,5 x 45,5 x 85,5 cm and that the steel is probably 3-4mm thick it can be calculated that the tank will contain precisely 215 litres. I mention this merely to illustrate that without maths one would be lost on a boat or would have to rely on other, more parochial shortcuts, such as running the tank empty, filling it and checking the receipt from the bunker ship! I think the point I wish to make here is that everything we do on the boat has a learning curve.
Learning curves are a wonderment to me on the boat and underscore the fact that most things in life are simple and if one can keep them so, so much the better. A prime example is, as reported by the trusty logbook, that on 28 Feb, the water in our main water tank (738 litres, calculated the long way as mentioned above, given the fact that the tap desists from providing a receipt which would allow us to follow more logical shortcut method of determination) ran empty and it offered the opportunity of opening the hatch and checking inside. Well after removing some 60 bolts I found that the inside was packed with those baubles of brown/grey slimy stuff one finds in farm reservoirs. The remaining water in the tank was crystal clear until I started to fiddle with the baubles, creating a cloudy havoc and suspicion that I might need to clean the tank and go in to Amsterdam and buy some of that hoy poloy two component epoxy paint stuff that one coats the inside of tanks to ensure they outlast the next twelve generations, of course after getting rid of all traces of rust, gunk build-up, pitting and sanding the inside surface down with various grits of sandpaper and degreasing with special Sikkens degreaser and not painting it at temperatures that are more than 3 degrees above the dewpoint and certainly not after 15:00 etc. etc.
Inside the water tank |
Newly cement-washed tank - good for another century |
Happy camper following spelunking in the tank |
Well I chipped off some of this gunk and asked our friendly marina co-owner Klaas, whether he thought it necessary to recoat the inner of the tank based on the samples I showed him. Hoping to avoid further unexpected toil I reminded him that many farm dams in South Africa go for generations with these strange baubles without poisoning their owners. His answer: “Ja, smeer hom cementsous”???? What, friendly reader I hear you ask, does this mean! After enquiring and confirming on the Internet and with another new friend, Alex, who happens to be a corrosion specialist, Klaas’s advice was to scrape off the main rust and deposit and then to slosh on a slap pap of cement. What mixture the builder in me asks, 1:6, 1: 8, 1:3, no simply mix a sloppy wash of pure cement and slosh that on as a wash, repeating after setting until there is about a 3-5mm layer. This is how all tanks were treated when men still built boats! According to the Internet it is also the way in which modern hotwater systems are renovated. “So gesĂȘ, so gedaan” and I spelunked into the tank and scraped off the worst of the rust upon which followed forays into the bowels of the tank to apply three layers of the stuff over three days, allowing the mixture to settle. (Note irrelevant boating fact: there is a ratio of steel to rust, namely 1mm:7mm and determined by a scientific formula named after two intelligent blokes whose names I cannot recall, but confirmed by my friend Alex the corrosion specialist). Bottom line is, the cement ”slap sous” was cheap, worked a treat, mixed easily, applied simply and the tank was ready to go immediately thereafter (Rudi complains the tea tastes funny and the glasses are blotchy, but I balance that out with the obvious benefits to the intestinal tract and counter to sooibrand).
Rudi wrapping presents! |
Installation of new hatch |
The proud new entrance to our home |
Entre S'il vous plait |

The trusty record log shows we have attended the HISWA Amsterdam Boat Show, dried out any moisture in the front section of the boat, installed new Hep2 O 15mm piping to the kitchen, applied three layers of cement slop, Rudi renovated the Hydrophore and pump – if you don’t know what that is then you aren’t the boating type and deserve not to know, re-commissioned the water tank, installed a channel for pipes and electrics under the starboard gunnel, stabbed ourselves variously with knives under the pretext of constructive employ, done bokkerol, visited with friends, cocooned the new section in plastic, hung the struts for the cladding, fixed the roof in the spare cabin, wrapped the water tank like a christmas gift in insulation and planned the electrical system for the new section. Also, the new door and steps have arrived and been installed. What a difference it makes to entering our new home. The dreamboat is now starting to take shape. We have received via the post from Ebay our bird books of Europe, a new EEE Netbook for Rudi, a Sewing machine, a fancy crank-up satellite dish for TV, a freesat box, a new instrument panel for the boat with oil pressure and temperature senders and wiring loom as well as the three new windows which will be installed one day soon.
grotty old pot |
renovated Hydrophore |
There are small things about our lives here that are different to what they were at home. For example, Rudi has adopted my own useful habit of talking to herself and inanimate objects, probably in an attempt to convince herself of some of her bright ideas... not necessary I say, as her suggestions have saved us hours of frustrations on a number of ocassions, but entertaining. We have tried to inform you of little, but unique passages of our lives here and will continue to convey what we have considered quite regular, where they might add to the sense of what we are experiencing here.
All wrapped and ready for cladding! |
Hallo Attie en Rudi. Ek sien julle werk baie hard en daar is sommer 'n klomp werk wat alweer gedoen is. Die nuwe ingang is baie mooi. Ek is nog steeds in Geneva en hier het ons vreeslike mooi weer. Gaan saterdag weer terug SA toe. Julle moet mooi bly en sterkte met die werk verder
ReplyDeleteGreat job Rudi and Attie!! Amazing what you have accomplished and under what conditions! Looks too good to be true. The door added class and I like the choice of clear windows. I do relate to all the "trivial" descriptions of precision measuring and careful planning before doing things. That is the joy of all this, I think. The satisfaction of doing it right even though you have not done it before! Enjoy the rest of it - mostly fun "decorative" tasks from now onwards and then sailing off - and the real fun begins!! Cheers, Panos
ReplyDeleteGoeie more julle twee! All that work... we wanted to come and help you but we had a headache that week LOL!!! Sounds like you guys are on the home stretch now. Looking forward to reading about your first 'official' trip up/down the canal. Not much happening this side, but when you refer to rain... we've had 2 huge storms here in 2 days (bet you miss the Highveld storms ... like a hole in the head)... much water... no electricity (don't ask... I'll have to express my innermost feelings about our local government of Tshwane). Josie's doing fine and we're off to Cape Town to visit with Steven next week. Well, that's it, in a nutshell. We were planning to come to the marina next week (u know.. to help with Linque's renovation), but we'll have another headache at that time!!! Love to you both
ReplyDeleteAndrew & Liezel
Liefde vader en moeder. Die webjoernaal is uit die boonste rakke, Julle tweetjies druk darm die werk deur in. Ons is so trots op julle. As ek net dalk 'n voorstelletjie kan maak. vir die webjoernaal, die wit geskryf is is baie skerp om te lees, maak dalk die greis agtergrond ligter en verander geskryf na swart. Julle kan dalk ook die prente liewers direk na gesigboek toe stuur en dan terug koppel na die blog toe. dan kan ons mense wat nie lekker kan sien nie die prentjies mooi groot he. is julle tweetjies nie baie bly dat ek nooit so praat in regte lewe nie. dink net hoe kakkies dit sou gewees het.